Tuesday, January 31, 2012

JAG - Mia Fey signature


Much like my Hilbert signature, this one is inspired by a mafia game as well. This time, it's the one present here. It's a beautiful game, let me tell you that. The reason I went with Mia Fey here is because I am using Mia GIF's in the game itself, to make a point. Though, I'm not on this page, an excellent example of how it goes can be found here. We're doing it for fun, but it really ads to the experience.


  1. I like it!

    What program do you use for these?

    1. Thanks :D I use Paint.net alongside a few plug-ins.

    2. Oh hey. So do I :D.

      It's all I know, and for a free program. It ain't bad.
