Monday, January 30, 2012

Matthew Broderick's Day Off



Ferris Bueler's Day Off is about one of the most horrible human beings you could ever imagine. And yet, it's a fun and enjoyable movie, often considered a childhood classic for many. Now, so many years later, Matthew Broderick has a day off. 

This 2012 Honda CR-V ad was directed by Tosd Philips (The Hangover movies) for the Superbowl, and features Broderick reenacting several scenes of the movie, only this time as himself.

It's honestly one of the best ads I have ever seen, bringing actual comedy in to the mix. Plus, it's a trip of nostalgic proportions. Though, some of the other actors could have made a return, I'm still happy that this was made.


  1. I love Ferris Bueler's Day Off (As you probably know, it's in my favourites in the Mafia). Though I'm actually disappointed this isn't something like a new movie, it's still awesome as great nod to the film.... and yeh.

    1. Yeah, it is rather disapointing to see that they're not taking it a step further. But, for what it is, it's great!
