Friday, November 12, 2010

Multiplayer Tips


Multiplayer is one of the most progressing aspects of videogames in the passed tears. It turned from being an added experience to being a fully fledged game. Just look at MAG if you want example for that. In this multiplayer, you will find that it is a universe all on its own. One that you need to fully submerge yourself in, in order to even try and get some skill in whooping people’s ass. For the people that still need a little help on this, here are some tips to get yourself higher up in the food chain.

Tip number one:

If the game has a single player campaign, definitely play this first. Not only will it help you to get accustomed to the controls, but the tutorial level of the game will sometimes provide something you wouldn’t normally think of. Take for instance Uncharted 2. First thing I did was jump straight in to multiplayer to at least get a feel of the gameplay, when it should have been the other way around. Why? Because I wasn’t made aware of the fact that if you aim your gun and then tap the button to throw a grenade, your character actually hurls it like a professional baseball player instead lobbing it like a pussy.
Not only that, but multiplayer maps will sometimes exist out of closed off section of the single player campaign. Personally, I’ve found several cool routes and ambush spots in the single player campaign.

- Play the Single Player Campaign before you tackle Multiplayer.

Tip number two:

Former Army Lieutenant Colonel now Treyarch’s Call of Duty Military Advisor  Hank Keirsey is a veteran soldier who knows his way around the battlefield. The man now enjoys to play a little Call of Duty because he can appreciate how realistic it is. He screwed up once in a while thinking that it was just a game, but soon got his ass handed to him by the realism of it all. Then he would wake up in the middle of the night thinking he could do much better.
Sounds like a good enough lad, doesn’t he? Not hard to imagine what his biggest complaint is about Multiplayer. Yeah … 12 year olds. What else? You know them, the little twats that are somehow allowed by their parents to play this game, with a mic no less. Then they go around cussing, yelling and screaming, telling you how much of a fag you are and that you’re fucking retarded. Keirsey’s answer is: "Use all the expletives you want; when I show up you're going to have a big bar of soap in your mouth and boot up your ass."
Thrust me when I say that the “Mute All” function is the single most greatest invention that has ever graced the planet Earth. Well, that and FUCKING MIRACLES. First chance you get, mute all the suckers in your game. Unless they’re friends of course. They you don’t mute. Just team kill em with a rocket launcher as fast as possible.
I can’t begin to stress how utterly distracting it can be to try and be on your game but all you hear whaling through your mic is a twelve year old boasting about his high stats and how he just pwned some guy or how the fuck he died or how he missed or YARG. Fucking kids. There oughta be a law against them. Oh wait, there is.

- Mute every other player in your game unless they’re your friend.

Tip number three:

There’s always going to be a set of unwritten rules in a game. Back in the day in Counter Strike, it was an unwritten rule you didn’t use the automatic snipers or the shield. Many other games these days have rules like that as well. Just look at Modern Warfare and the “noobtube”. At first I thought they were talking about Youtube. Who knew.
Best thing you can do when you enter a multiplayer of a game for the first time is to play it safe. Stick to conventional weapons like a machine gun and things like that. See what other people use and how they respond. That would require you to unmute people these days, seeing as there’s no text chat anymore, but it’s a sacrifice that needs to be made.
Once you break one of their precious little unwritten rules, they’ll have their sweet revenge on you. They will hunt you down en masse sometimes. Don’t be surprised that you’ll be pestered via direct messages or something of the sort. Now, of course, the more mature players will just inform you that it’s not a good idea to use said item, but the majority (the infamous twelve year olds and mentally twelve year olds) will drive you to insanity.

- Learn the unwritten rules.

Tip number four:

Nothing is as tedious as trying to level up in multiplayer. We’ve all been there before. Here you are, nearing a level where you gain a new perk or a new weapon or a new anything. Then, all of a sudden, you realize that leveling has been going kind of slow. As in, really fucking slow. The other players suck balls, your teammates are kill stealers or one of the parties gets a connection error, throwing all of your asses out without gaining them lovely expees. Going over to play some Co-op missions, you get killed because of the incompetence of your teammates. In the end you’re just getting tired of the game. What you need to do here is just play with your friends. It’s definitely tons of fun to be playing with friends and to rank on top of the match, having annihilated everyone. Or to suck the most and just team kill everyone. You know, have some fun. There’s nothing quite as amusing as playing a multiplayer game with friends.
Plus, when you play together with them, you get a small tactical advantage. You know each other. You know how the other guy thinks. Is he passive? Is he aggressive? Is he smart? Working together then becomes an art almost. Very satisfying to run a map side by side and just buttfuck everyone you come across like there’s no tomorrow. I remember back in the days of Counter Strike, I had made some friends in the game and the three of us would run through CS_Italy with Deagles and knives. We owned that map. MHUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Also, if you and your friends are in a party and you have a mic, you can have even more fun. If one of your teammates die, just use the death camera to follow your enemies and tell your friends where they are. If the game doesn’t allow that, use skype. When you’re still alive, use the mic to get some serious tactics going.

- Play with friends if you can.

Tip number five

This one is the most important one, guys. Because in the end, it’s all just a game. If you die in the game, you respawn later on. If you die and it’s game over, the game really isn’t over. Seriously, if you realize that it’s a game, it becomes a lot more tactical. I’ll explain this through some examples from the game Uncharted 2: Among Thieves by Naughty Dog.

Co-op. Nepal Warzone. Last street section before you trek through the building to the big square. If you’ve already played this, then you know that two big motherfuckers will show up at the far end. What I did between shooting assholes is I took gas canisters and placed them back there to seriously fuck those guys up. Unfortunately, my two compadres decided it would be best to stand back there. So when the time comes and Beavis and Butthead come, they’re still standing there. I was hiding inside the building waiting to get a perfect shot at a gas canister. But, my two teammates fall and need to be helped up. Instead of hoping that I can shoot those two down or that I can revive my partners, I just shoot the gas canisters and lob some grenades. Yeah, my teammates dies, but they respawn at the next checkpoint anyways when those two were dead.

Multiplayer. Temple. The game was Plunder. Battle was happening at the point in the map where there are four chest high wall  coming out of a big pillar. Both sides were gunning at each other with the treasure just standing there. What do I do? I ran for that treasure like there’s no tomorrow, I pick it up and toss it over to my side. I was being shot at, yeah. Why should I care? I respawn. As long as my team gets the treasure in and we win! Right?

- Know that it’s just a game.

These are some of the biggest things that can help you to improve in a game. Why are they the biggest things? Because they are the basics. If you start playing badly or you lose interest, just fall back on the basics. They’ll definitely help you get back on track. If these basics fail, you can always go deeper in to the subject and look up tips for the game you’re playing. For example: Bobothemonkey, Oneshotfinch and Craigieboy of Teh  Pwn Shop have all put up blogs with tips for you to use on Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2.
But, in the end, there is one tip that is THE tip to keep in mind. A tip that will most than definitely save you from returning the game, selling the game or leaving it there to rot.

Alpha and Omega Tip: Know when to quit and play something else.

This has been Puddle Jumper and that have been some tips for multiplayer in general. Thank you for reading, hope it helped and I’ll see you next time.

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