Monday, May 28, 2012

Jericho review


Jericho review

  It's not very often that one comes across a TV series that hits all the right notes. Usually, when one of these series does come along, it's greeted to lukewarm ratings. Thus forcing the channel backing it to toss it out on its rear end. And then there's Jericho, one of those particular shows that did manage to stir up quite enough fuss. Canned after just one season, its fans harassed the studio in such a fantastic way, that they were given a second season. But, was it all worth the fuss? 


  Kansas is the home of a peaceful little town called Jericho. Its mayor deals with the day to day business, whilst his wife worries for the mayor and her family. The mayor's son is having troubles with his marriage. A lost son returns to his home after a rough time. A farmer is being audited, more than definitely losing his farm. Yup, everything is quite normal in this quiet, little town. 
  That is, until off in the distance, people see a mushroom cloud. The entire town is now on high alert, panicking at the mere thought of what lies ahead. Personal issues are put aside, waiting to be brought back at right the wrong time. This whilst they need to make sure the town doesn't tear itself apart, or falls prey to the effects caused by this nuclear explosion. 
  Things get even more surreal, when they learn that this one device is not all that happened. There were more bombs.
  Throughout the series, we see the storyline go on at a very rapid pace. Not unnecessarily stretching the series out, Jericho deals with a major situation almost every episode. And each one is different. One episode has the town deal with fallout from the explosion, whilst another has them dealing with people stealing valuable supplies. 
  Pulling the overal story arc along is the mystery on what happened, how the explosions could have happened and who was responsible. This, whilst at the same time, giving us a community that really grows on you. Many people live in Jericho, and the writers make it so that you end up caring for each and every single one of them. So, that when the shit hath come to really hitheth the fan, you really do care for them. 

  That's the magic of this show. It's a perfect combination of drama and suspense, whilst also putting in a fair share of "Everwood Lite". I honestly haven't seen a single show that hasn't done it better. It keeps on building on the questions, much like LOST. Where Jericho differs with LOST, is that Jericho already had the answers. They knew what happened and where they were going, making it an extremely solid story. 
They could afford to string along questions, without giving much answers. Why? Because they gave us something in return. And in the end, they do give us answers on one big, happy fucking platter. Only to lead up in a new set of questions, that are handled just as competently as the others. 


  I've already said that you really start to care for the characters, and the people of Jericho. Which is entirely true. Only two characters in this entire show are absolute twats. And one of them gets killed off. So Yee-Haw, I guess. 
  Anyways, there are so many good characters here. They're built out like there's no tomorrow. They have back stories, personalities and goals in their life. Already they have complicated histories, and you're dying to get to know what they are. 

  The town itself only has a couple of streets on screen, but there is also a lot of diversity to be found. You have the outside roads, the farms, main street, the typical American Neighborhoods and a warm and cool looking bar. The sets are really well built, and you can tell they really put a lot of effort in to making them. 
  Not to mention the many other locations we get to see in future episodes. One of my favorites is the Trading Post, for example. 
  And a special shout-out goes out to the practical effects, that are really amazing at times.

  Music-wise, it does the job quite nicely. Didn't have a single complaint throughout both seasons. Sound effect wise, I do have something to say about. As in, they are absolutely great. I mean, the guns sound so powerful. And with the music being low, that really gives firefights just that little bit extra more. 

  As far as post-apocalyptic series go, Jericho is the best one ever made. Hands down. It's not like in Fallout, where everything goes coo-coo bananas. No, you can actually see these events happening if such a cataclysmic event does occur. And that's the beauty of this show, that it can all happen. And that you can imagine it happening if you were in their situation. 

  Why this show got so poor ratings is beyond me. Since this is perhaps one of the best series ever made. Reality TV still continues to this very day, getting renewed without a moments thought. Whilst a gem like Jericho goes unnoticed by the masses. Luckily, it has a fanbase that knows something good when they see it. Or else the world would have been deprived of a second, fantastic season. A season that did perhaps focus more on the action, but that did deliver greatly in all other fields as well.

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