Monday, June 21, 2010

JAG: Ippitsu sōjō! - ShinkenPwn; Puddle Jumper

Hello and Welcome to the Jumper's Art Gallery. Where we take art and take it to the next level.

Today I'd like to present to you signatures based on my current obsession: Japanese superhero series. More precisely, Super Sentai and Kamen Rider.

Super Sentai usually is a team of individuals who come together when they obtain the power to transform in their respective Sentai form. The series that I saw first was right on the mark when it came to awesomeness. Samurai Sentai Shinkenger is about a lord and his four retainers who must use their powers to defeat the Gedoushu.

Thinking of my latest Shinkenger fangasms, I wanted to create a simple yet effective signature for, advertising the website that is so gracious as to have me as a contributor.

Linkara, from Atop the 4th wall, has been uploading a video series entitled History of Power Rangers. Seeing these videos made me look up the Power Rangers again on youtube, which made me curious about the Sentai they were based on. Reading a synopsis on the series, I got to Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. I'm a huge fan of Power Rangers and a huge admirer of Samurai. So yeah, awesome match. And now this is by far my favorite series ever. No, seriously. And with the Shinkenger Kamen Rider Decade crossover, I even got a little Rider Itch going on. So I'll probably check that out after I finish watching Shinkenger!

Now for Kamen Rider Decade. Kamen Rider's are individuals who are given a buckle that can transform them in to said Kamen Riders. There are several worlds in the Kamen Rider Universe, each one having their own main rider. Now, Decade is about Tsukasa, a man who has lost his memory and who is given the Decade powers, told he has to travel to nine Kamen Rider worlds. And that's basically all he's told.  

I got the inspiration for this signature as I was watching Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. (Seriously, guys, youtube that entire series NAO) During Shinkenger there was this crossover event with Kamen Rider Decade. I watched that entire crossover and from there I wanted to signature for this right off the bat. But, I decided to finish Shinkenger, watch Go-onger so I can watch Shinkenger vs Go-onger and then watch Kamen Rider Decade. Suffice it to say, 18 episodes in to Decade, I am now a Rider fan. Seriously, it's quite amazing.
But yeah, I wanted to make a sig for it, once again also advertising for Teh Pwn Shop.

That's it ladies and gentlemen. All descriptions under the images are blatantly copied and pasted from my DeviantArt page for said images at

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