Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2k10: Nintendo Conference

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010
Nintendo conference

The conference kicks off with Reggie! He kicks off with a nice speech about the expo and about technology. Speech goes in to Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Myamoto gives a video speech saying that this game would revolutionize the franchise. He goes on to talk about his vision for Zelda and how the Wii-mote and Nunchuck would act as Link’s sword and shield.
The mote is handed over to another guy who shows us how to use the controllers. But then Myamoto appears on stage!
It appears that you literally use the controllers as the sword and shield, with Link mimicking what you are doing on screen.  The rest, like running and items, looks like it’s fairly intuitive as well. It looks like a Cross between Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, with TP being the main source from which they drew inspiration. The graphics portray that pretty well.
Now, to get an item, you’ll have to move like you’re going in to your pocket and you can chose an item from there from a radial menu. And to aim a slingshot you don’t have to aim towards the screen, you just have to hold the controller like you’re actually holding a slingshot.  Aiming puts you in to first person. Which is good in my opinion.
Unfortunately they were getting some interferences from wireless devices at this point.  Still, they managed and continued on.
There’s also the beetle. You launch a beetle and you can fly it around to pick up items and the sort. It’s quite cool.
Lastly, there’s a whip. Rawr. Zelda’s favorite toy.
The presentation was rather long, but it was very enjoyable none the less. And it didn’t feel long as well. Hell, they could have had the entire conference about this alone and it would still be awesome. But seriously, it looks very good and a whole lot better than Twilight Princess. Probably because of the Wind Waker influences. A.K.A. Cell Shade.
The title is coming next year.

Reggie returns once again with another speech that tells us they aim to make entertainment for literally every person on earth. And how they could do it. Like different kinds of graphics and the like for sports games. Which then leads in to Mario Volleyball! I’m smelling a crossover with Dead or Alive. Can you imagine? Mario in a bikini? There’s also other games like Basketball and more in this Mario game called: Mario Sportsmix.

The man then continues in to another speech that defends Nintendo and praises it’s achievements, countering statements made against them. He then introduces another gateway game (for non gamers to get in to gaming) called Wii Party. Or in other words, Minigame the game.

And then … oh dear god no. Another dance game. At least there’s no idiot dancing around now. HUH MICROSOFT. Just Dance 2, people.

And then comes another Golden Sun reveal by Reggie! WHOO! Golden Sun! It looks like crap, like an early GBA game, but hey. Who am I to complain. Luckily the battle mode doesn’t look quite as shite. The title is: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Arrives this holiday season.

Then came a very nice video hyping up a new Goldeneye game. So in other words, it still looks roughly the same. Only now for an early play station 2 game. God damn it it all to hell and back. And Pierce Brosnan is gone? Daniel Craig? No, god no. Please, god no. Well, at least it arrives this holiday season.

Finally we get to Project Epic Mickey. Or Disney: Epic Mickey. Still, they kept the name Epic Mickey. Which is quite … well, epic. Reggie brings in folks involved with the game and let’s them have the floor. See ya, Reg.
The game is about a world called Wasteland where every forgotten or neglected town or character goes from the Disney world.
Luckily it has a look to it that makes it different, yet recognizable. Mickey also becomes a Shinkenger as he can draw anything he wants and make it come to life. He can also erase things. Which is seen in the general graphics as well because it has that drawn look to it. The draw and erase mechanics can also influence the game like how you decide to play. Do you erase a problem or draw something to solve it? And stuff like that. Also, FYI, DEP is a 3D platformer. However, there are sidescroller sections in worlds like the cinema screens in Kingdom Hearts II. It’s quite good, if you ask me. Not my cup of tea but it’s at least a game with a lot of effort put in to it. Bravo.
And once again, quite lengthy presentation. And again, no problems with it. I mean, come on, that’s twice they did this and it hasn’t bothered me yet. EH MICROSOFT.

Reggie once again returns with another quick speech to set up for a new Kirby game. Kirby’s Epic Yarn. It’s euh … it’s definitely unique. A lot more kiddified and it has that yarn feel to it, even in its graphics. I don’t like it at all. Like someone is Stop Motioning it on yarn.

Luckily Reggie then proceeds in to the next Dragon Quest game, which was already released in Japan. He hypes up the game a lot before we finally see it. He’s also giving away information like multiplayer and the fact that the game doesn’t stop when the DS is turned off, because it keeps on scanning for new maps and characters in nearby DS’s. It’s released on July 11th.

He than casually and abruptly gives us Metroid Other M. Which is released on August 31st.  Basically, it’s Metroid in glorious 3D. I LOVE IT. Plus it has some first person elements for when you’re shooting. It’s a great combination of the two styles the series has had. I’m really loving it. Truly it is a throwback to the past.

After this he tells us that another gaming icon will return. And ladies and gentlemen, It’s not just any franchise. It. Is. DONKEY KONG! Sidescroller at its core and Donkey Kong all around. I’m starting to get all teary eyed at all this epicness. Donkey Kong Country Returns … this holiday!

Reggie then finally announces the console we’ve all seen coming. The 3DS. A 3D DS handheld device. Starting with a nice trailer showing the history of 3D. And an epic introduction for the device a la The Wizard’s Super Mario Bros 3. You can control the degree of 3D effect with a slider or you can entirely turn it off. The touch screen also makes a return but only on the bottom screen, with the top screen being in 3D. It’s also compatible with the Dsi. And not only that, you can take pictures with the camera not only in plain view, but also in, get this, 3D! Plus you’ll be able to watch 3D movies on that device from some big companies. A movie mentioned was: How to train your dragon.
It appears Project Sora of last year in januari was meant for the 3DS. For one game in particular. The game we’ve all been waiting. The reason why many for us watched the conference, hoping it would come. Kid Icarus: Uprising! Thank lord its on the DS, as I plan on getting one. Might as well make it a 3DS!
BUT WAIT, there’s more. The 3DS is also a communications device which you can easily use from wi-fi spots. But unlike before, this time the communication between the devices will not stop when another player starts to play another game. And they’re aiming to make it as accessible as possible and as free as possible. As in, free.

There’s  also mentionings of other games like Nintedogs 3D + cats. He also gave an impressive list of companies wanting to make something for the 3DS. For games like Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, Saint’s Row, Assassin’s Creed, Ridge Racer and even Metal Gear Solid.

Following this was a video about how the developers thought about the 3DS. I have to admit, this entire 3DS presentation was pretty epic. Not only was very well made, but it starred some impressive titles and functions. Definitely a serious contender for the gaming market when it’s released.

‘Sup, Reg. He’s back by the way, summing up all that’s been shown. It leads in to a presentation of how the 3DS works. It was silly, but lulzy. It was Nintendo! I liked it.
Then Reggie pulls out a bunch of dames that have 3DS’s strapped to themselves to show them how it works. Plus there are also consoles for Skyward Sword. NICE!

And that was the Nintendo conference, folks. A success through and through.

Final verdict. I give it a 8.5/10.

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