Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010 - Microsoft Conference

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010
The Big 3

Microsoft Press Conference

Call of Duty Black ops came up first. It was pretty cool at first but the gameplay footage we saw kind of dragged on for a bit too long. It doesn’t look as much fun as Modern Warfare, but what do I know. I haven’t even played that yet.

Activision deal with Microsoft for CoD exclusive add-on releases for a limited time. This is a nice move on their part as Call of Duty is a big part of who they are and who they are targeting with their console.

XBL babble and mentioning of Natal renamed to Kinekt. I’m sure this will be the Laaaaaaaaast time this get mentioned ever again. Moving on.

Kojima comes on. No translator but English. It’s nice to hear him talk without a translator. Though I did miss that Kung Fu movie dub feeling.
Metal Gear Rising footage revealed. Looks Fantastic. Definite upgrade. This is how Metal Gear Solid 4 should have looked like. Guy in mech suit gets spectacularly sliced up. Also shows off gameplay. Looks like slice and dice DMC action but you can choose with a surgically precise aiming system where you slice.

Announcing that the show will be 360 exclusives from then on. This is a nice touch to the show. It means that they didn’t steal exclusives from other companies. Which is a good thing because now they have to come up with their own things. This’ll be an awesome conference seeing as they probably will only mention Natal, right?

Another live gameplay footage. Only this time of Gears of War 3. Female gears are shown called Anya and Sam. You might remember Anya from the previous Gears games. Only now she doesn’t quite look so “hot”. Gears 3 looks like it has some different environments for a change. Plus, it has some cool looking environments that aren‘t bricks or concrete. Looks and feels like Gears as well. The enemies look new and fresh. Keeping the typical Gears feeling but add to the, you know, height and the “hit by the ugly stick” factor. The sun’s lighting is greatly done as well.
Another gameplay session though that stretches way to long. Yeah, it’s tons of fun watching a couple of jack offs enjoy themselves with a game we wanna play but can’t. Hey guys, Show AND tell please.

Peter Molynieux returns to blow smoke up our asses for Fable III. Again, amazing graphics. Plus an effective trailer. But, yeah, it’s Fable. We’ll see when it comes out.

Live action (at least I think it was. Otherwise, Hot damn these graphics are amazing) Crytek trailer of Codename: Kingdoms. Very effective and atmospheric. It kind of looked like 300 meets Gladiator.

Was wondering when Halo would pop up like weed. Halo Reach story campaign reveal. Looks like a polished up Halo: Combat Evolved. Still, looks like it could be tons o fun. Although it has an awesome stealth kill. +1 coolness. And it now has Space battles. Looks like a solid rental. I’m more of a mouse and keyboard guy.

Some guy sucking the 360’s cawk is up next and sets up for Natal. Fuck. Natal looks like it’s gonna require a lot of fucking cardio. CONTROLLER still wins, guy. As this proves, Natal is nothing more than a gimmick. Plus, the voice command bullshit isn’t anything spectacular. I’ve seen it already in: The house of the future. A multi million dollar house than has top of the line technology that they‘re hoping to integrate in homes in the near future. Plus, I’ve also seen it in like a boatload of other locations. It aint special, bub.

More wasting time with Kinect. Fuck it. NATAL. Some chicks were acting a totally not studied in live chat to show off more BS.

ESPN and Microsoft team up. Yay? At least it’s free.

More Kinect news. Djezus christ! Although, finally, some gheymes for it.
Kinectimals looks like it’s one of the best games for kids in a long, long time. At least for the 360. And the Trey as well. They’re cheering on the crowd now. You’re warming up the crowd, the game.
So yeah, Wii Sports. I mean Kinect Sports. Then there’s kart racing. Which sucks because you need to pretend to have a steering wheel in your hands instead of an actual peripheral or a controller acting as a steering wheel.
Lorenzo Lamas joke. Best conference ever. (WHUAHAHAHAHAHA) Also some pretty basic Nintendo titles without the controller and with better graphics. Scratch that. The river rafting looks like it has potential for some family fun. And then some more Kinect trailers … fuck me! Then came Wii … I mean Kinect Fit. And now on to dancing. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR ALL THAT SHIT. The only good thing is that we see this asshat make a complete fool out of himself.

FINALLY an announcement I somewhat care for. Kinekt is coming November 4th with 15 titles.

Next up they show the Star Wars game for the Microsoft NATAL. The Star Wars game would have been better as a Move game, as you would have a “light saber” in your hands. The game looks pretty goddamn sweet though for a basic and no frills game.

The first look on a Kinect racing game. Looks standard to me, except it’s hands free. Wooptie doo da. The only good thing about it is that you check out the car from close hand like you’re actually standing around it.

Xbox Slim is revealed! Looks like a standard upgrade, nothing special. was shipping that very day. However, what follows next might have been the best PR move that anyone is going to make at this year’s E3. Microsoft gave away the new Slim to the entire audience of the Microsoft conference.
However, that still doesn’t erase the fact that they went too far with their marketing. They’re calling this new Slim the console of the future. There’s just a few problems with that:
1) The PS3 Slim beat ya to it.
2) These new functions should have been on the 360 to begin with and
3) It’s Kinect Ready? It doesn’t have Kinect on it? Or shipped with it? You’re going to force people to buy a Slim AND a Kinect?

Final verdict: 4.5/10. This was just horrendous. At least we got this year’s Wii Music fail.

EA Press Conference

Not to go to deep in to this, as this isn’t a part of the big 3, but I have to say that EA has made a better conference than Microsoft. Congratulations EA for beating one of the Big 3.

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