Thursday, April 28, 2011

PSN Debacle - Anon returns


PSN Debacle - Anon returns
And the news continues to trickle in today. The breach in to the PSN database might not have been by Anonymous, but that doesn't mean that aren't through with Sony just yet. 
When StrategyInformer asked an Anonymous member named Kato what lied in store for their future, they stated that they will continue their attack on Sony once the PSN comes back online. Though he did wanted to stress the point that the attack will be on the company, and not PSN itself. 

I could see their point of view when they were previously gunning for Sony. Sony vs GeoHot was a grey area when it came to whose side to take. People bought their PS3 with an Other Operating System option, where they could choose to run Linux instead of the PS3 standard OS. After Sony took that away, GeoHot posted the rootkey online that would allow people to continue running their other OS. Many people probably bought a PS3 because of this, so having it taken away from them is bad. Sony's claims that people are merely renting the machine aren't helping the matter much either. With this in mind, I can definitely understand why Anon stepped in to defend GeoHot and the PS3 users. Still, it is Sony's machine and you signed a contract with them. Not to mention that hacking was, and still is, illegal. 

However, it's probably because of Anon's involvement that PSN got targeted by this, or these, hackers. PSN was weak because of Anon's assault and so they took advantage of the situation. Because of this, Anon is losing all of the support it used to have. Or at least the majority. I hope they'll see that, if they do attack Sony again, there is no justifying their actions at all.

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