Wednesday, August 25, 2010

tHop: Fair Game

In the past few years, movies like these have come and gone far between each other. Too far, even. Many times they even went ignored for the most part. So here’s to hoping that Fair Game brings attention back to these kind of movies. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hop it!

This trailer starts off with a loving family where nothing seems to be out of order. Wonderful kids, a great father and a great mother who is preparing to go to work. However, nothing could be more wrong. As it turns out, this family has a secret. Namely that Valerie Plame, the mother, is a CIA operative.
Valerie leads an investigation in to the existence of Nuclear arms in Iraq. Her husband, Joe Wilson, is drawn in to the investigation to substantiate an alleged sale of enriched uranium from Niger, seeing as he is a diplomat.
When his findings go ignored by the government, who actually manipulate his findings to support the call to war, the man takes action and publishes his findings in an editorial in the New York Times. Only then he is shown that you don’t fuck with America.
Why? Because now, Valerie’s true identity is exposed in the papers. This politically motivated press leak pretty much annihilated her career and put humongous strains on her marriage. Not only that, but a giant, messy ball of controversy is sparked. If you think that’s the end of it, you’re wrong. Because Valerie still has very important business to take care of.

How can you not love a storyline like that? As far as suspense goes, this could really pony up. And pony up good. There’s the unfinished business in Iraq, the public opinion and their response, the strain on their marriage, family and friends. Plus there’s the politics, which if done right could lead to some very good moments.
The director of this movie is Doug Liman, another name that might only ring a bell if you mention what movies he’s directed. Namely: Mister and misses Smith, Jumper, but most importantly: The Bourne Identity. He also produced and directed (two episodes) of The O.C., produced Knight Rider and produced the last two Bourne movies.
This guy might not sound like all that much, but just look at the power in this movie: Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, Satya Bhabha (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World), Bruce McGill (Jack Dalton from McGyver), Sam Shepard (Swordfish, Black Hawk Down), Ty Burrell (Black Hawk Down) and more. Especially Penn, Watts and McGill will elevate this movie to another level.

I say: Keep a lookout for this movie. It’s going to be good.

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