Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thinking of the Overthinker's Overthinking

As I was watching this video (So see it first), I felt the need to comment. Seeing that comment grow and grow and grow in size, I decided to just make a blog about it and show it to you all here. These are 10 things I wanted to say. So read up, folks!

1) The only thing I know is that the video promoted there was garbage and is not about gaming at all. It was about this guy's own addictive personality.

2) Videogames are a toy, but being a gamer is a lifestyle as much as being a geek is.

3) Marathon gaming is only a slight problem IF the person at hands continues to maintain a healthy work and social life.

4) Agreed on the fact that if you're playing many games, you should exercise more often. Or change your life so that you move more when you move anyways, like taking a bike instead of your car.

5) Those little exercises and food tips you gave were given to me in my school class: OFFICE. Yes, there are far more situations than being gamer that requires that stuff, like sitting right and not turning to unhealthy snacks for easiness. BUT, you're also forgetting that you can also change from Coke to Coke Zero and from Chips to oven baked chips. Oh and Nuts have Oil ... Oil = fat ...

6) Yah, energy drinks should only be drank if you intend to move, like running or working a labor shift.

7) The first part of your culture part was completely off. Gamers know shit about gaming. Some gamers only know things about gaming and don’t tend to follow anything else. Many gamers however keep themselves well informed on global matters though. Now, switch up the word Gamer with “beauty” (from let’s say Beauty and the geek) and gaming with pop-culture and fashion. Once again, Bob, it may be true for us gamers as well, but we’re just part of the problem. Like a small cog in the machine.

8) Some people prefer to read modern books, Bob. Or Modern movies. Just because people don’t know shit about Shakespeare, doesn’t mean they know nothing. They might know more about Dan Brown or J.K. Rowling. They might not have seen Kane but they might have seen The Hurt Locker. (Not exactly comparable but seeing as it won a couple of Oscars ((undeservingly)) I might as well use that for modern movie) AND just because someone is not interested at all in politics, doesn’t mean they are pathetic if they know more about Valve than which asshat is running the senate. But yeah, if you haven’t even at least seen one of those faces in those pics. You have a slight problem. Because, let’s face it, some of these faces pop up everywhere and Kim Jong Il isn’t exactly a stranger to the media. Not knowing is one thing, but not recognizing is another thing.

9) ATTN, bob. Many of the people, if not almost all of the people, that I come across online that can type a sentence with minimum grammatical errors wants split screen multiplayer for their games. Many even cry out for it. Hell, many people still go to each other’s houses to play split screen games. Here it is not the gamers that need to change, but the developers. Also, that kid isn’t the fault of online games. Neither is it the fault of games that people take the kid’s side. It’s the parent’s fault for not EDUCATING THEIR CHILD. In the end, it all boils down to two things: Bad parenting or a fucked up kid to begin with.

10) Seriously, dude, you’re making a point here that is viable for a lot more people than just gamers. Almost everyone needs to pull their act together or shape up, just like you said and just like everyone else was already thinking. Not to sound like a douche here, but why you think we gamers need to change our ways to become better persons? The problem with this is that we will not step up to everyone else’s level. We will step beyond. What you did wrong here was focus on the gaming community whilst these are tips for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. To the tenth point, gamers need to change more then the rest of our culture because gamers are considered social rejects compared to the rest of our culture. We as gamers need to change our negative stereotype, and while it's true that the rest of our culture could use the same changes, gamers need it more then others.
