Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mystery Science Theater 3000

I live in a backwater country when it comes to quality offshore entertainment. Shit, son, I pissed my chance at even the tiniest glimmer of quality entertainment. Sure, I had X-men, Sonic Sat A.M., Transformers: Beast Wars, Power Rangers, Beetleborgs and many others like it. But, in the end, there’s a couple of things of entertainment that we missed. To which all I could do was shed many a manly tears. When cruising forums I sometimes get across some of these gems. However, I usually have no clue what they are talking about. Like for instance: Thundercats, G.I. Joe and many others. One of these gems I just recently discovered on the vast and immeasurable wastes of Youtube.

Mystery Science Theater 3000, or MST3K for short, is a program starring Joel (Followed by Mike), his robot friends and whoever would be feeding them bad movies to watch.
Two mad scientists named Clayton Forrester (No relation to Ridge) and Laurence Erhardt, launch their janitor named Joel in to space. This to find the ultimate bad B-movie that was so bad it would drive all who watch it bat shit insane. Trapped on the Satellite of Love, Joel creates his robot friends. There’s Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot who accompany Joel as he watches these movies. And then there’s Gypsy and Cambot, the camera of the show.
Upon receiving these B-movies, Joel is sent to the screening room with Tom and Crow. They sit down in front of the screen in cinema chairs and give their comments on these horrific movies as the movie plays. Intermissions do occur however as Joel performs some skits with his fellow cast members.

That, my friends, is Mystery Science Theater 3000 in a nutshell. I think you’ll be happy to know that Joel managed to escape the Satelite of Love. Unfortunately for Mike Nelson, another janitor of the mad scientists (no relation to Doctor Insano. I think … you never know.), the mad scientists strap him on a rocket and launch him to replace Joel on the SOL to watch more crappy movies.

So, let’s get my opinion out of the way so you can watch an episode, as provided by tirol9 on you tube.

Even though I would never, ever watch these movies, they’re still watch worthy when you stick the MST3K guts in front of it. Seriously, this is absolutely stuff. You’d never suspect that the show is so awesome from the opening alone. I never saw the funny stuff coming from the first episode that I watched on the tubes. Normally I care a lot of some idiot is talking during the movie, but these guys are absolutely forgiven they are so funny. If I had to give this show a score, it had to be:


Now stop reading this crap and watch this episode:

The movie featured here is Space Mutiny, a thrilling space opera starring the ever charming and Oscar nominee worthy Reb Brown. Who you should know from The Spoony Experiment. If you do know who Reb is, or god forbid Spoony, then shame on you and head on over to:

The other parts of this episode are available on tirol9's channel. Plus other MST3K episodes!

This has been Puddle Jumper with MST3K, see ya later.

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