Sunday, October 28, 2012

WIDS: Stargate Universe


Why it doesn't suck
Stargate Universe

  The very first time that this show aired here, I had no idea how to feel about it. It had loads of potential, but failed to deliver on the same charm that both SG-1 and Atlantis were known for. Episode after episode passed, never really a good enough reason for me to continue watching. The writing was overly gritty and overdrawn, resulting in episodes that were grand in scale, but moved along at a snails pace. Eventually I just gave up, without giving it another look. Until recently. 

  Here's the thing about Stargate Universe ... the first half of season one is a bump you need to get over. The original episodes of Air are a good starter to the series, but then it goes stale pretty fast. Writing seems to be focused on the characters on the boat, which might have been a good thing if they had been written competently. Everyone, save for Rush and Wallace, are unlikeable to say the least. The continuous troubles of the boat are too prominent, due to the fact that there are no alien races to speak of. 
  Luckily, there's a mid-season break. The best thing that could have happened to the series. Because afterwards, everything becomes monumentally better. Characters become more more complex, and are given a chance to make themselves liked among the viewers. Or disliked, depending on how the character was written. Whilst the charm of the previous series is still lacking, and the crew is far from being a unity, things are shaping in to something that could be fantastic.

  Enter season 2. It's in this season that things really start to be Stargate. Those characters that we've gotten to know are growing in to actual, human beings. Instead of the gritty, overly dramatic beings that they've been in season 1. Other characters are really growing for the first time, giving the audience a real chance to connect with them. Just look at Volker and Mister Brody, two characters that I've grown particularly fond of during season 2. 
  Also, for once, the distrust is portrayed rather believably, as we get to see that Rush is actually hiding something. But, it's also nice to see that the whole, Young vs Rush motif was starting to evolve at that point, making their eventual, final battle all the more poignant. 
  Then there's how they introduce other civilizations. Spectacularly brilliant, if you ask me. Though, the inclusion of an enemy like the original, simplistic Replicators was a tad bit overboard. Still, the overall storylines were intriguing, touching and heartbreaking at times. 

  And then came Gauntlet, the final episode. The single most brilliant episode and ending I have ever seen before. It wraps up ... well, not even close to anything really. It's a bittersweet ending, and we're given a cliffhanger that will make you remember this series for years to come. To quote Tumblr on this one, "My feels ;_;"

  Stargate Universe belongs in the top when it comes to the best science fiction series out there. It might start off wonky, but it ends beautifully. Many people didn't exactly give it the chance that it deserves. There's definitely a good fanbase there, but the critics are mostly mixed or negative about the show. Whilst even most of the people that have seen it go for the negative reviews. If you're still on the fence about seeing it, or were like me in not wanting to give it a chance after a horrible first half, then don't be afraid to pick it up and stick through. It gets better, trust me.

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