Thursday, October 18, 2012

WIDS - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Why it doesn't suck
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, here goes! Call of Duty. Is he seriously coming at us, saying that Modern Warfare 3 doesn't suck? Is he being serious? Why yes. Yes I am.

  Call of Duty is but one of the many annual titles out there, and it's starting to get a lot of flack because of it. Even with development lasting over two years, due to switching studios, they're still saying these titles come out way to quickly. Perhaps the CoD title is over-saturated, but that still doesn't mean that these games are bad. Far from it in fact. Let's take a closer look at the latest Modern Warfare title, MW3.

  Michael Bay is a studio director, and it definitely shows in the moneymaking products he oozes out every so often. From start to finish, they're designed to tickle the entertainment bone of the masses. Same goes for Modern Warfare 3. It's an action spectacular, treating you to everything a gamer would want out of a game. It's got its epic set pieces, its quiet stealth sections, a B-grade action movie plot, a dramatic plot twist and a shock moment designed to pull you in even deeper. Mind you, that shock moment was horrible and the devs oughta be ashamed. 

  To me, everything mentioned before the shock moment was what made this game so great. The single player was a lot of fun to play. Gunning through the stock market and seeing the Eifel Tower fall? How couldn't that be fun! It was made even more fun by making the controls as basic as possible. Everything you needed was there, and it was all where you expected it to be. Even the handling itself was smoothed to perfection. 

  Now, enough about the single player experience. Now on to the meat. The Multiplayer. Better known as the Raison d'ĂȘtre. For most people anyways, seeing as the multiplayer is more than likely still played to this very moment. Like with the single player, it's a streamlined experience. Whilst the entire thing isn't quite as imaginative as it could have been, it still tries to stay loyal to that same B-movie sillyness that we know and love. It's not so much about skill like Counter Strike, but more so your wits. You need to learn the lay-out of the maps, the most likely locations of other people, camping spots, shortcuts and much more. Otherwise, you definitely won't be able to get any of the cool toys. Most of all, it's fast. And therefore it's tickling that same entertainment bone that Michael Bay is tickling by making everything fast and furious. 

  That is Modern Warfare 3. It's a fast experience, a lot of fun and it offers you some epic things to look at whilst you're having fun. The only reason why it sucks is because it's more of the same for the franchise. They haven't really strive to push the envelope. They'd rather stick with what's safe and maybe change the setting every so often. *glares at Black Ops*

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