Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PJ's Halloween 2k10 - The X-files

Whilst the characters from CSI aren’t all that interesting, other investigative shows really put in an extra effort to make the protagonists an interesting bunch of people that you really connect with. This day and age we have Rick Castle, Patrick Jane and Charlie Crews. Whilst in the past we had Jessica Fletcher and Columbo. Columbo being my number one favorite investigator of all time.
However, there is one genre of investigative shows that has one pinnacles of awesomeness. One TV series that has influenced countless of other shows, movies, directors, screenwriters, actors and more.

On September tenth of 1993, the Fox Network started airing the first episode in one of its greatest series. Spanning for nine seasons and two movies, this series became popular all over the world, becoming an icon to entertainment. It even managed to get a couple of spin-offs going that really didn’t go anywhere. Not to mention the highly successful games! HAHAHAHAHA, yeah right.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present to you: The X-files!

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is sometimes given a seemingly unsolvable case, which is then labeled as an X-File and is then transferred to the X-Files Unit, which is tasked with attempting to solve these cases. Many of these Files tend to involve events that could not be explained to the public.

If you want to know how much of a fan I am, know that I have the DVD boxes of the first 3 seasons and I’m looking to buy the rest as well further down the line. And that’s saying something because me, nor my relatives, buy DVD boxes of TV shows that much. The other TV shows we have is the Eccleston season of Doctor Who, Fantasy Island season One and Quantum Leap Season one.

The series follows a young  special agent by the name of Fox Mulder. Adamant about his beliefs that there is extra-terrestrial life and that it is very present on Earth, he was given the nickname of  “Spooky” and shoved in to the basement where there was a little known department called The X-Files. He is later joined by special agent Dana Scully who is a medical doctor and natural skeptic, is assigned to Mulder to debunk his theories and put logic in to his theories. Turn Spaceships in to weather balloons, that kind of stuff.
Obviously the two go in to some whacky antics that take them all over America to partake in some interesting adventures.
Like many other investigative programs, the X-files takes things one episode at a time, usually have one file per episode. Whilst there is a red thread throughout some episodes and an overarching plot in general, most episodes are quite self contained and should be enjoyable to watch without knowing too much about the show other than the premise.
Whilst most of the story tends to revolve around Mulder, Scully gradually becomes part of the bigger picture as the shit starts to hit the fan for her as well.

Whilst there were a lot of uninteresting episodes or only mildly entertaining ones, most of them were made bearable by the wonderful talents behind the characters of Mulder and Scully. They truly put in the extra effort to make their characters carry the weight of the more dull episodes.
Throughout the series you will also encounter several familiar faces that will make you point at the screen and let out a good laugh as you realize who it is.

Here’s a couple of summaries to help you on the way of what to expect in the X-files:

Squeeze is about this man who wakes up every so years to go out and feed on people’s livers. He can elongate himself like Mister Fantastic.
Gender Bender is about alien creatures that have sex with a mate, kills said mate and take on its gender. Only then to do it again.
Born Again is about a man who is reincarnated as a little girl and goes off killing the men that killed her in her former life.

A lot of these episodes are quite ingenious in nature and will sometimes keep you guessing for quite a while. The hunt for this murderer is equally as interesting as seeing Mulder and Scully go back and forth, trying to convince each other that they are right.

Besides the two already introduced main characters, the series has a couple of other regulars that come on board. One being assistant director Walter Skinner, who is supportive of Mulder and believes in him, but at the same time he needs to be a director as well.
And then there’s a couple more really interesting characters. But they you will have to see to believe because they’re just too damned awesome.
In the final seasons, two more characters are introduced that basically replace Mulder, who changed from being a main to a recurring character.

When you think the X-Files, then you think of only one song. And that is the theme song. Whilst the music used in the X-Files is good and doesn’t bother at all, it’s the theme song that gets everyone going, pulling you in to the episode even more.

Whilst the quality of the show went downhill once the replacement agents came on board, the X-Files ended quite well with the last movie: X-Files: I want to Believe. Problem being that there were no fucking aliens. Anywhere. Still, the series ended on a high note and we’ll leave it at that.

So, if you want to have a good Halloween, don’t be afraid to check out this series! Buy a dvd box, preferably the first one, or maybe buy one of the movies which are great as stand alone features, and get ready to start believing that aliens are gonna come and stick a probe up your ass.

To finish, check out the following video by Noah Antwiler, better known as The Spoony One. This is a video review of Resist or Serve, a videogame of The X-Files that’s totally not ripping off anything. Totally. I’m plugging this here video because I always enjoy to rewatch videos like this when it’s Halloween and I wanted to spread the fun!

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