In order for good to be able to define itself, something evil must happen first. And to do that job, we have the villains of this world. Their only objective is for their own good. Either it’s to shape the world in their vision or to make their lives easier. Alongside these twisted views, the evil-doers will go through great extent to reach their goal. Yet, as I said earlier, are all villains evil?
Come here to see my top ten videogame villains of the last console generation. They can be villains because they truly are evil, or they can be villains because they are trying to do the right thing. Or they are who they are for completely different reasons. All I care about is that they are on the wrong side of the balance. So let’s dig in to LGR: Top 10 Villains. To be on this list, you have to be on the evil side of the balance. And only one villain per franchise! By the way, this list is a bit spoiler rich. So, if you don’t wanna be spoiled, just scroll down to the bottom if you wanna see a quick and brief countdown. It’s gonna be your loss though. Well, not really.
I know that this is a little bit generic, but it’s a great way to debut lists on LGR.
10: Team Magma/Team Aqua (Pokémon Ruby/Saphire)
The Pokémon games have been around since the dawn of mankind. Well, maybe not that early but it’s sure one old series! Originating on the grey brick that is known as the gameboy, these games have never truly changed. Their villain has however. Team Rocket is no more. They took a step sideways and made room for these two teams. Both teams are out for their own agenda. One team wants to expand the landmass whilst the other wants more ocean. Out trumping Team Rocket at everything, not to mention the infamous team from the anime, these two teams are cruel, maniacal and much more like organized crime.
I mean, the world of Pokémon is fucked up enough as it is, and these guys want to be even more evil? Seriously? Locking innocent animals up in tiny little balls, only allowed to come out to battle each other or to train to battle each other? And to let eleven year old kids to roam about the planet, harnessing the power of gods in their hands? So if they are the best of the villains in this world, then they have to be serious fucking business!
9: Tatsumaru (Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven)
Originating in Tenchu: Birth of the Stealth Assassins, Tatsumaru returns in Wrath of Heaven under the control of Tenrai. Once again he finds himself in the role of a villain. At first he did not know that what he was doing was wrong, then supporting the cause of the wrong do-ers. After that, he killed himself to preserve Ayame’s honor and to make sure that the traitor died. In Wrath of Heaven he was under the control of an evil warlock, fighting for him and doing wrong against his will. In the end he overcame Tenrai’s control and joined the forces of good, taking his own life again.
This man saw in Birth of the Stealth Assassins that there was a better way of living. And he was willing to become a villain to see this world come to be. In Wrath of Heaven he was now forced to be the villain because Tenrai knew that Tatsumaru had faced these Ninja’s before, and that he had trained with them. Even killing their master at one point. However, Tatsumaru refused to be the villain anymore and became a force of good once again.
But as a villain, this guy kicked so much ass. Seriously. His moves, his willingness to do whatever it took … just … wow. In a village filled with people that are deadly sick, Tatsumaru goes in and kills them all. He could butcher them all by raising them up in to the air and snapping their neck or by even running passed them and slicing with his blade, waiting for its effect so that his victim would fall to the ground in pieces. Horrible, but awesome.
8: Hanson (Second Sight)
What would you do to create an army of super soldiers, able to use psychic abilities? Or, better yet, what would you allow to be done? For Hanson, it was experiments on little children, the murder of several people including the man behind it all and the kidnapping of an innocent woman. This man is a true businessman. All he sees is power and ways to get more power. Because power equals money. And money means more business. This endless loop of selfishness results in Hanson taking interest in Victor Grienko and his life project to bestow psychic abilities on to people.
He’s mean, he’s clean, he’s in a suit and he’s got power. And, above all, he’s got class. That’s what make the best villains in my opinion. If you sit there with class and dignity, dressed like you’re ready for church and looking like a real Hollywood star. These are the people that could be anyone. They will not show their true face until they are ready and when they do, the world will be in shock.
7: Sin (Final Fantasy X)
Jecht was a man who unable to show his true emotions to his son. Unable to express his true emotions, Jecht turned to insults and criticism, hoping that this would help his son grow up to be a strong, young man. This however, turned out wrongly. Tidus ended up hating his own father, thinking that his mother never showed him attention when Jecht was around. Which was understandable. Who wouldn’t want to be close to a man like Jecht? Blitzball Star extraordinaire and inventor of the "Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark III". Of which was no Mark I or II because that was a marketing trick for people to come back to the stadium. Because, if the mark III was so Sublime, then how awesome had the other two be, right?
Taken from his world by Sin, Jecht entered the real world, Spira. Ranting about being from Spira, Jecht was imprisoned for insanity. Bailed out by Braska and Auron, Jecht is also asked to become Braska’s guardian. Braska was on a pilgrimage to defeat this evil known as Sin. However, when the time came, Jecht had to sacrifice his own life. In order for this Sin to be defeated, one of the guardians had to become the next Sin.
At first a villain to his own son, Jecht had now become the ultimate villain himself. Sin was a great beast. Mostly Aquatic in nature, Sin is also capable of flying if he engulfs himself in a ball of water or even without it. This creature could only be defeated by the Final Aeon, who was the guardian that sacrificed himself. Thousands of people have died trying to defeat it, and thousands more have died by it for no reason at all. It destroys villages, ships and even lives. Coming close to it means that you inhale its toxin, giving you amnesia.
Jecht’s only hope of being killed lies at a single man. His own son. And so he returns home to pull Tidus from it, so that he might kill his own father in order to save the world.
Sin is a great villain. An unwilling villains of great tragedy. Yet a great force of evil.
6: Baron Praxis (Jak II: Renegade)
Forced out of Haven City, the great leader of Haven creates Spargus. A city in the wastelands. Leaving his son behind to one day take the throne of Haven. Until that day however, the baron known as Praxis was put in charge of the city. He ruled it with an iron fist, ruthless and merciless in his policy and a true dictator. His Krimzon Guard patrol the street, killing all who do wrong and torturing the general population. Praxis enslaved an entire species to work for him in the mines. With lies and deceipt he rules the city.
When his war against the Metal Heads proved to be too difficult, he cut a deal with them. Because he knew that as long as he kept Haven safe from the Metal Heads, the people would willingly accept whatever he tosses at them. If they knew that they were losing the war, he would be history. And so, in exchange for Eco Ore, the Metal Heads attack the city from time to time. Just enough for Praxis to stay in power.
The baron was a ruthless force of power, but in his heart he was still a good and loyal father. Everything he’s done was for his daughter to have a good and fruitful life. And to make his own sorry life better. Obviously.
5: Nazis (WWII games)
There’s nobody manlier, more indestructible and more a one man army than an FPS main character. One kind of FPS is very well known for this. World War II shooters usually places you in the role of a man that carries the weight of an entire army on his shoulders. It’s just you versus the world. You, a simple soldier with as much chance of succeeding like the other guy. Yet, it all falls down on your hands to do every stinking job out there. With the storming of the beaches on D-Day, it was up to you to get the explosives, plant them and detonate the barb wire, storm the bunkers, breach them and then take control. This man is the one and only natural predator cunning enough to kill the Nazi’s. In the games I mean. Because I’ll be damned if my fellow soldiers ever kill a single one of them.
Most of these men are enlisted like the Americans. They only fight because they have to. Killing everyone and doing what they were ordered to do, these Nazi’s might not like it. But it’s what had to be done to survive. In a war, everyone changes. Not a lot of things that the Nazis did wasn’t done as well by the rest of the world. The true demons within the Nazi armies were the SS. These were the ones that were the most loyal to Hitler and his cause. They would kill their own men without so much as a thought if they ever thought that their subordinates didn’t follow the cause.
The Nazis killed thousands on the beaches and even more inland. Obliterating the Allied soldiers from their Atlantic wall, they were responsible for countless of families to receive a letter from the government, telling them their son, father or brother had died.
As they lost more ground to the Allied, the Nazis stood their ground even more firmly, giving it the best they could.
They even went so far as to investigate the paranormal and do unspeakable experiments just to get magical weapons to aid their cause and win the war.
With their real life history in mind and with the gaming history there, the Nazi’s make for one nasty group of villains. Their actions towards the soldiers was atrocious, but their action towards the general populace and the Jews to be more precise, they are very much worthy of being on this list.
4: Virgil (Devil May Cry 1 & 3)
Sparda, Demon ruler of the underworld, and Eva, a human, had two sons. One was the legendary dark knight known as Dante. Whilst the other one was Virgil.
Dante was hot-headed and sarcastic. Virgil was the complete opposite. Cold-blooded and Sardonic, Virgil was also the opposite as to his demon heritage. Virgil embraced his demon self and wished for it become more powerful. He would stop at nothing to obtain the powers of his father. Having a fondness of reading books, Virgil found himself in Arkham’s library one day who told him about Temen-ni-gru. Virgil desires only to gain powers like his father, no matter what the consequences. So there are only two items that he truly cherished. One was the Yamato, a keepsake left to him by his father. And of course, his half of the Perfect Amulet. To further emphasize he wishes to be more like his father, Virgil wore his hair back and wore blue attire. As his brother wore red. Red and blue together formed purple, which was how his father dressed. Dante cherished mankind and was its protector, refusing to use his demon half to do so. And so, being the opposite of his brother, Virgil wore blue.
In his quest to raise the tower, Virgil discovers that his brother lives in that town. He was quite exited by this news. And, at the end of his quest, Virgil and Dante teamed up as they used to as children to defeat their foe. This was proof that Virgil didn’t hate his brother. The two had a mutual respect for each other and enjoyed this rivalry a lot. Eventually he is defeated by his brother and cast in to the netherworld. There he fell under the spell of the demon known as Mundus, to fight for him as the knight known as Nelo Angelo. This form is a new Devil Trigger form for Virgil.
Ordered to kill his brother, Virgil engaged Dante in a series of battles. Throughout these battles he regains his memory and the power to regain some control of his body. He reveals his identity to his Dante eventually and for the rest his faith is unknown. Was he destroyed or did he just teleport away? Time will tell.
Besides totally bad-ass, Virgil has one hell of a personality. He can fight like the best of them and he can be the best if he wants to be. This guy is simply amazing.
3: The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
As the daughter of one of the philosophers, she led her Cobra Unit in to battle at World War II. Known as The Joy at that time, she led them to victory. Pregnant at the time, she gave birth on the battlefield via a messy C-section. However, her child was taken from her by the philosophers. During her lifetime she gave the United States her life. Never letting go of her ideals, she did anything that was either too stupid or too dangerous. There was nothing that she would sacrifice. Before anyone was officially sent in to outer space, she was sent up. Nobody expected her to live. The radiation would have killed anyone else. But not her. Because of this, she was no longer able to carry children. Because of all of her actions, she was given the title of The Boss.
Having already given everything for the United States, she is asked to do one more thing. She had to sacrifice her life for the sake of her country. She would be branded a traitor and a defected and she would have to be killed by her most cherished student.
Returning to her Cobra Unit, she also joined with Colonel Volgin. To convince him that she had crossed, she brought him two Davy Crocket nuclear warheads. That could effectively be used. During her stay with Volgin, she did everything in her power to make sure that her unit and Volgin would succeed in taking down the CIA agent sent to stop them. For Volgin was intending to use an experimental rocket tank able to fire nuclear missiles to anywhere in the world from anywhere. Behind the scenes however, she made sure to place items and to give information that could help her killer along the way to succeed in his mission. In the end, she did not hesitate. Bravely she fought her student and was killed by him, never showing any kind of hatred towards her country. Because, even at her final breath, she would still do anything for the United States.
She was a hero forced to be a villain by her country. The Boss is perhaps the one and only best of the human villains.
2: Ares (God of War)
Oh alright.
I mean, come on. He’s the god of fucking war. Do I really need to explain myself here? Seriously? This is Ares we’re talking about here. I’ll spell it out for ya. G O D O F W A R. This is the guy responsible for all the grief and sorrows of the world, the man responsible for the deaths of millions and the destruction of entire cities. If you just now get why I’m not giving you the full details on why I picked this guy:
AND the number one villain of all the previous console generations ISSSSSSSSSSS:
1:The Flood (Halo)
There can be no doubt that The Flood is the greatest villain to have ever been created. For one thing, the only way to kill them is to deprive them from food. This is why Halo was created. It’s sole purpose is to destroy all life so that The Flood had nothing to feed off of. When used alongside the other Halo’s across the universe, all life everywhere would be destroyed.
The Flood are a parasitic life form who’s only goal is to infect all life forms in to becoming these brain-dead warriors. They are true to their name because when they come after you, you’d better know what to do. If you don’t have enough ammo or you don’t have enough skill, you will die. They come at you by the dozens, never stopping for anything. Perhaps only with a shotgun blast. But that’s it. Never do they stop coming and never do they give up. If it weren’t for the Master Chief’s suit, he would have been dead a long time ago.
From the first time they appeared in the game to the last time you see them, it’s one big adrenaline rush. They never stop, they never can be stopped. The smaller ones can be killed by one shot, but there’s just too many of them. The bigger ones can explode and even the recently infected ones can come at you too, shooting at you with their recently acquired guns. They will jump at you and punch you, shoot at you, explode in to a million bugs and more. These guys are not to be fucked with.
So, let’s count this thing down!
10: Team Magma/Team Aqua (Pokémon)
9: Tatsumaru (Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven)
8: Hanson (Second Sight)
7: Sin (Final Fantasy X)
6: Baron Praxis (Jak II: Renegade)
5: Nazis (Any WWII game)
4: Virgil (Devil May Cry 1 & 3)
3: The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
2: Ares (God of War)
1: The Flood (Halo)
This has been Puddle Jumper with an LGR list of the Top Ten Villains. I’ll see you next time!
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