Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mortal Kombat (2011) review


Gamers vs ESA's support of SOPA


The ESA is currently supporting the American bill proposals called the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act. Both SOPA as PIPA are threats to, not only the internet, but also to the economy. Millions of job are on the line here, all over the world. If this bill gets to see the light of day, then this will affect everyone in the world. Not just America. 

But, people are making a stand against it. Certain websites, deeply involved with the gaming community, are banding together and are opposing the ESA for their support of these bills. What does this involve? Simple, they're not going to attend E3, unless the ESA stops their support of these bills. E3, if you don't know, is run by the ESA and is a huge part of their income. 

Or, if you're involved with the gaming community, do not report on or attend E3. I know I will not be doing my annual blogs, as small a gesture as this may be. Of course, that's only if they do not listen and continue their support for these laws.