Monday, November 29, 2010

R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen


1923 - 2010

Thank you for so many great movies. Rest in peace, man.

Fiesta Online Review


More and more we begin to see the works of dedicated people come online for the world for free. Same so in the gaming industry where full free to play games are released almost every day. Very popular among these types of games are the RPG games, of where there are many of the MMO variety. Fiesta Online is one of these MMORPGs. Question is, is it good enough to make the cut?

Fiesta Online
A First Impressions review

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wahlberg on Uncharted


Mark Wahlberg confirmed for Uncharted movie

Captain S review


He’s Captain S. And he is one hell of a guy. He’s Captain S. Be glad that he is on our side. At your request, he’ll be there to save the day. He’s Captain S. He’s bold and tough and strong and brave . The bad guys do not stand a chance. They see him and they wet their pants. He’ll kick their butt from here to France. He’s Captain S! He’s Caaaaaaaaaaaptain S! It’s

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hogs of War review

Hogs of War

Some games are just plain damned fun. And when you start to dig deeper, you will see that there is actually a pretty good game there that has been well thought over. This is one of those games. Hogs of War is many hours of not only single player fun, but many more multiplayer hours as well. As being a PS1 and PC game, does it hold up to the test of time?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spike TV's VGA 2010


MTV’s Spike are the people behind the website known as, a site dedicated to showing people everything about games from reviews to interviews. Not only that, but Gametrailers also has a TV show on Spike’s TV channel called GTTV. They have a pretty big foot in the industry, but that doesn’t mean that they know what they are doing.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Power Rangers review


They've got a power and a force that you've never seen before. They've got the ablilty to morph and to even up the score. No one will ever take them down the power lies on their side
They know the fate of the world is lying in their hands. They know to only use their weapons for defense. No one will ever take them down. The power lies on their side…

Go go Power Rangers!
The Review

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

tHop - The Green Lantern


Welcome to tHop, where I take trailers and tell you all about them from facts to opinion.

Codemasters CEO on second hand sales "war"


Rod Cousens, CEO of Codemasters has put in his two cents on the current “war” between retailers and publishers through an interview with He feels that this entire ordeal should end quickly before so that everyone walks away happily.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gears of War coming to Kinect?


One of the newest rumors on the mill is that a next installment in the Gears of War franchise will be compatible with the Microsoft Kinect.

tHop - Battle: Los Angeles


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show that discusses trailers, from the facts to opinion. This time we are going to take a look at an upcoming alien invasion movie titled:

Battle: Los Angeles

Monday, November 15, 2010

The ? Files - The next Star Wars trilogy


Star Wars Episodes VII - IX

It’s time to boldly go where no man has gone before! … Wait … That’s Star Trek. Euh … Walter, Punch it! … That’s Stargate! Euh … It’s time to … use … the force? Is that right? Yes? Good …

Friday, November 12, 2010

Multiplayer Tips


Multiplayer is one of the most progressing aspects of videogames in the passed tears. It turned from being an added experience to being a fully fledged game. Just look at MAG if you want example for that. In this multiplayer, you will find that it is a universe all on its own. One that you need to fully submerge yourself in, in order to even try and get some skill in whooping people’s ass. For the people that still need a little help on this, here are some tips to get yourself higher up in the food chain.

Monday, November 1, 2010

JAG - How Mysterious

Hello and welcome to yet another rendition of 

Jumper's Art Gallery
How Mysterious

Puddle's Logs - November


I hope that everyone has had a very happy Halloween month and that you've been scared shitless over the past month! And that you have a boatload of candy to go through. 

Personally I had a rather fantastic Halloween, what with there being a CSI special where Morpheus went from Miami to New York to Las Vegas to kick some chosen ass. Yeah, I know, not exactly Halloween stuff but at least it was gruesome. 

As you may have noticed up above and around you, Greyarch Entertainment is sporting a new look. The banner up on the site is from an awesome artist named Mel Rains, who is a God of Awesomeness around Teh Pwn Shop. You can find him over at 
The header you see above here is just one of many that I made. You'll find one above every new blog that comes out! 

Not only that, but I'm going to release the blogs that I have been saving up since the destruction of TPS 1.0. 2.0 isn't up yet, besides the forums ( Starting with a new blog actually in my JAG series. 

A few final notes before I finish this:
- The Pokémon Nuzlocke run is discontinued. I might put up what I have for Pokémon Red, but I'm not sure.
- There have been little to no trailers of worth for movies or games besides one. So you might see that blog come up. Just don't think that it's going to be a roaring comeback xD 

That was all, folks. See you later!