I hope that everyone has had a very happy Halloween month and that you've been scared shitless over the past month! And that you have a boatload of candy to go through.
Personally I had a rather fantastic Halloween, what with there being a CSI special where Morpheus went from Miami to New York to Las Vegas to kick some chosen ass. Yeah, I know, not exactly Halloween stuff but at least it was gruesome.
As you may have noticed up above and around you, Greyarch Entertainment is sporting a new look. The banner up on the site is from an awesome artist named Mel Rains, who is a God of Awesomeness around Teh Pwn Shop. You can find him over at
http://melrains.deviantart.com/ The header you see above here is just one of many that I made. You'll find one above every new blog that comes out!
Not only that, but I'm going to release the blogs that I have been saving up since the destruction of TPS 1.0. 2.0 isn't up yet, besides the forums (
www.tehpwnshop.com/forums) Starting with a new blog actually in my JAG series.
A few final notes before I finish this:
- The Pokémon Nuzlocke run is discontinued. I might put up what I have for Pokémon Red, but I'm not sure.
- There have been little to no trailers of worth for movies or games besides one. So you might see that blog come up. Just don't think that it's going to be a roaring comeback xD
That was all, folks. See you later!